Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Welcome to Stinky Bay!

 Welcome to Stinky Bay!

I admit, I was struggling to find a suitable tagline for this Blogsite, I went through loads before arriving at the idea yesterday - base it on one of my favourite places - Stinky Bay

Now I know what you're going to say. it's a made up name but I assure you isn't. Stinky Bay is on the west side of the Island called Benbecula, more or less in the middle of the Outer Hebrides.

I moved to the Outer Hebrides in 2020 and moved in with my wonderful partner who'd lived on the islands for the last 20 years or so. Through him, I've been introduced to the beauty of these islands and have been seduced by them accordingly.

For this site, I aim to concentrate on the middle islands, all joined by causeways. So follow the links to take you to the following in habited islands:
  • The Isle of Berneray
  • The Isle of North Uist
  • The Isle of Baleshare
  • The Isle of Grimsay
  • The Isle of Benbecula
  • Island Flodda
  • The Isle of South Uist
  • The Isle of Eriskay
The islands need to be seen to be believed, so as I grow the site I will add more and more. Currently each page has information and maps as well as links to my Flickr site which hosts my photos in detail. 

Also, I am including the wonderful Duchy of Cornwall. Seen mistakenly by many as the end of England, Cornwall should be viewed as a nation by itself. I know, I was born there!

So I'll add information and links to my Flickr pages as time goes on.

For now, the site is a work in progress, but explore and enjoy.

Claire Stocker

Stinky Bay 

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